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Journalism as Cutter and Cuttee in the Tall Poppy Syndrome.

A free press can, of course, be both good and bad, but, most certainly, without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad. Albert Camus. AI Narration0:00/10:401× Journalism is a galvanizing business these days. It takes courage to report the truth which may end in TPS

Journalism as Cutter and Cuttee in the Tall Poppy Syndrome.
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The Tall Poppy Syndrome & The Seven Deadly Sins

Dark emotions are frequently found in the tall poppy syndrome (TPS). The seven deadly sins are a well-known grouping of dark emotions. I have identified 6 of these 7 deadly sins consistently in TPS.  Three are often found in the cutter: envy, anger and laziness; and three are identified in

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A Little Less Fear Podcast (Interview)

A Little Less Fear Podcast (Interview)