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The Dark Side of Success: Envy and the Tall Poppy Syndrome

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The Dark Side of Success: Envy and the Tall Poppy Syndrome
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A Little Less Fear Podcast (Interview)

A Little Less Fear Podcast (Interview)
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Podcast Interview

The Osterlid Broadcasting Section (OBS), a limited-run internet-based radio and television network offering alternative family-friendly programming to inform, enlighten, empower, and inspire people around the world. Our guest is Dr. Doug Garland. Dr. Garland has been studying the Tall Poppy phenomenon for over 10 years after he experienced it firsthand

Podcast Interview
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Leaders Beware of the Tall Poppy Syndrome (Video)

In this episode, we attack something known as the Tall Poppy Syndrome. It is a cultural phenomenon that has been talked about for centuries. My guest Dr. Doug Garland, MD explains his research into the amazing and misunderstood aspects of what it means to become a tall poppy. A Tall

Leaders Beware of the Tall Poppy Syndrome (Video)