tall poppy syndrome schadenfreude
James Bennet, The New York Times editorial-page chief, Becomes a Victim of the Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS). Movements, Politics, and the Press as cutters
Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. ~ Albert Einstein Last week's blog updated a previous blog (Ronald Sullivan: A Preposterous Victim of the Tall Poppy Syndrome) that involved movements and politics. This week's blog is in the same

Ronald Sullivan: A Preposterous Victim of the Tall Poppy Syndrome
When it rains it pours. Morton Salt Company (Or, the Ongoing Saga of Claudine Gay) This blog was posted on Jun 11, 2019. Due to ongoing events involving Ms. Gay, I thought the post should be revisited as published. Movement as a Cutter in the Tall Poppy Syndrome. “When elephants