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Is Caitlin Clark a Victim of the Tall Poppy Syndrome?

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. William Shakespeare AI Narration0:00/14:411× I started my last blog Homero Gómez González - Victim of the Tall Poppy Syndrome with a quote from MLK that begins "Not everybody can be famous, but

Is Caitlin Clark a Victim of the Tall Poppy Syndrome?
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Gender as a Cutter in the Tall Poppy Syndrome

You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into. Jonathan Swift AI Narration0:00/7:171× I shy away from the subject of gender as a cutter in TPS for many reasons even though gender along with color, ethnicity, and religion are common causes for

Gender as a Cutter in the Tall Poppy Syndrome