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Katalin Karikó, The Nobel Prize, & The Tall Poppy Syndrome -Part 2

Doug Garland
Doug Garland
2 min read
Katalin Karikó, The Nobel Prize, & The Tall Poppy Syndrome -Part 2
Painting by Natan Elkanovich. Photo by Author.
You can call me Ray, you can call me mistreated, you can call me shunned, you can call me overlooked but you doesn’t hasta call me tall poppied.

                                         Bill Saluga (paraphrase)

If this title seems like deja vu, it is. I did a previous blog with the same title - Katalin Karikó, The Nobel Prize, & Tall Poppy Syndrome. I and others liked the blog enough that I decided to write a scientific article regarding Karikó's case study - article Katalin Karikó, The Nobel Prize, and The Tall Poppy Syndrome.

Both reports demonstrate TPS's complexity, which is completely outside the TPS standard definition and its meaning (see Artificial Intelligence & The Tall Poppy Syndrome).

When Karikó was cut down she was not a TP but she certainly is now. She was cut down initially by a peer (individual) and later by an institution. These are two recurring themes in my writings regarding TPS but not other authors.

I included a chapter "Tall Poppy Hall of Fame" in my book The Tall Poppy Syndrome: The Joy of Cutting Others Down. All TPs had prior brushes with TPS. All members possessed fortitude (see Jack Ma, Fortitude, & The Tall Poppy Syndrome), more of my recurring themes regarding TPS.

I also like that references are included in the report for readers who thirst for further information. This is really sweet when published as an e-journal since they are interactive. One merely clicks the citation to secure the original article.

There are 6 references by yours truly offering you the opportunity to delve into TPS in medicine. These are observational studies (assess members without affecting them), informative, and easy to understand. The first citation may be an original description of TPS in the medical literature.

There are three citations from prominent newspapers. The Pennsylvania newspaper details her mistreatment and how Penn demoted her while they earned $1.2 billion dollars. The Wall Street Journal article labels Penn's actions as shunning. The New York Times calls Penn's treatment of Karikó as overlooked. I call their actions cutting down or TPS, and the final recurring theme of the underrecognition of TPS in America.

tall poppy syndromeKatalin Karikó

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Douglas Garland, M.D. practiced orthopedic surgery for 37 years in Southern California. Doug was also a Clinical Professor of Orthopedics at the University of Southern California.


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